Thursday, December 30, 2010

Subway Vigilante

Dec 31, 1984: Subway vigilante turns himself in.

"Bernhard Goetz, the white man dubbed the "subway vigilante" after he shot four young black men on a New York City subway train, turns himself in at a police station in Concord, New Hampshire. Goetz claimed that the men, all of whom had criminal records, were trying to rob him and that he had acted in self-defense. At the time, New York was in the midst of a crime wave and Goetz was viewed by some people as a hero, an ordinary citizen fighting back against his attackers. The shooting occurred on the afternoon of December 22, 1984, when Goetz (1947- ), a Queens, New York, native who owned an electronics business, boarded a Manhattan subway. Soon after, he pulled out a gun and shot the men, whom he claimed were attempting to rob him. Goetz then fled the scene and drove to Vermont, where he buried the gun. The men all survived the shooting, although one was seriously injured. On December 31, Goetz turned himself in to New Hampshire police. In 1987, a Manhattan jury acquitted Goetz of criminal assault and attempted murder. However, he was convicted on weapons charges for carrying a gun without a license and spent eight months in jail. Darrell Cabey, who was left paralyzed and brain damaged by the shooting, filed a lawsuit against Goetz and in April 1996 a Bronx jury awarded him $43 million. Goetz filed for bankruptcy soon afterward. Before and during the trial, Goetz, who expressed no remorse for his actions, made inflammatory statements, saying he had done a public service by shooting the men and society would be better off if their mothers had aborted them. In the decades following the shooting, Goetz, who remains a controversial figure, has been a candidate for mayor of New York and an advocate for vegetarianism." Sources:

If you really feel that you was shooting someone in self-defense then why run?? Then turn around and buried the gun in another state? Lesson in law... If you feel threaten by someone called the police... If you are being robbed and shoot the robber call the police... don't run! Duh don't you know your going to look like the bad person? I guess you honestly have to be in that situation to fully understand why he did what he done.

Make Abortion Illegal! Make Abortion Illegal! Make Abortion Illegal!

Dec 30, 1994: An anti-abortion activist goes on a murder spree!!

I don't understand what makes human do the things they do... seriously do you honestly think going on a murder spree is is the answer to stop abortion? We are all in entitled to our opinions and what we believe in. Do I believe in abortion... No but that is me, does that mean I can just go around and blow the heads off of people that do believe in abortion no it doesn't. 

"John Salvi III walks into two separate abortion clinics in Brookline, Massachusetts, and shoots workers with a rifle, killing two receptionists and wounding five other employees. He was captured the next day after firing 23 shots at a Norfolk, Virginia, medical clinic.
Salvi, who worked in a beauty salon in New Hampshire before his murderous rampage, was described by acquaintances as a "very odd" man. Despite his increasingly erratic behavior, Salvi's parents resisted getting professional treatment for him. As his mental state deteriorated, he became a zealous anti-abortion activist. In March 1996, Salvi's trial jury rejected his insanity defense and convicted him of murder. After receiving two life sentences, he killed himself in prison in November 1996. However, the fallout from Salvi's attack did not end there. Richard Seron, one of the shooting victims, filed a lawsuit against the clinic's landlord for failing to provide security measures Seron claimed would have prevented the attack. After losing that suit, Seron enraged abortion providers by lobbying against a law that would establish a buffer zone outside clinics. He further antagonized pro-choice activists by filing a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood, claiming that he was entitled to a $100,000 reward for assisting in the capture of John Salvi. But even Richard Seron did not inspire as much public ire as Deborah Gaines, who was scheduled to have an abortion at one of the clinics on the day of the shooting. After the incident, she couldn't go through with the abortion and decided to have the child. She later sued the clinic for wrongful life, arguing that the clinic should pay the costs of raising the child since their alleged negligence prevented her abortion. The case, however, was dismissed before trial." sources:

What the heck??? How can you sue a clinic for wrongful life??? That is just the most insane thing I have heard. I dont know this lady but I have to say this lady could have provented from having a child, also she could have gone to a different abortion clinic even if it meant she had to travel... She didnt want the child in the first place so why not go to a different clinic instead of having this child and trying to sue for wrongful life???